Chinook Salmon & Tyee Chinook Salmon

Chinook Salmon go by many different names; King Salmon, Black Mouth, Quinnat Salmon, Spring Salmon and Tyee Salmon. But whatever you call them they are one of the most favored salmon in the world by both fishermen and those who enjoy eating fine seafood.
The Pacific ocean is the home to these amazing fish that can range in size from 20 lbs to 80+ lbs. The Chinook Salmon is an amazing fighting fish that is the prize quarry of many fishermen visiting Rocky Point Charters.
We waters surrounding Bamfield B.C. are prime fishing grounds for the Chinook Salmon. We catch them both in open water and in the more protected waters. We catch Chinook's from about May until October with the prime months being May - Sept.
The Lifecycle of the Chinook Salmon is typically 3-5 years ending when they come into the freshwater rivers to spawn. They will only return once to the river in which they were born.
The current limit is two per day, 4 in possession

Tyee Salmon
Tyee is a Native Indian word meaning Chief. Native Indians commonly call large Chinook Salmon "Tyee Salmon". Today a Chinook salmon over 30lbs is considered to be a Tyee Salmon and boating one of these large salmon is a thrill and comes with bragging rights.
Captain Ken and his guests have caught many Tyee Chinooks over the years and every adventure with Ken comes with the opportunity to catch one of these magnificent fish. It is many fishermans dream to catch a Tyee Chinook Salmon.